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Mission Statment 


Our mission is to Promote African Culture and to give general awareness about the continent Africa to UNI community. We do this through meetings, and Activities both on campus and off campus.



AU Constitution


By-Laws of the University of Northern Iowa African Union


Article 1. Officers



Section 1. Additional Officers

If additional officers (beyond the nine (9) elected officers) are needed, the vacancy provision in the constitution (Article 3, Section 6) shall apply.



Section 2. The President

Either the president or one other officer shall be in Cedar Falls, IA for the majority of the summer months. They do not necessarily have to attend summer school.



Section 3. The Vice President

The vice-president shall serve on the election committee



Section 4. The Activities Coordinator

The Activities Coordinator is responsible for the weekly gatherings and for clearing those activities with the proper authorities. This includes serving as the Master of Ceremony for all activities (except otherwise arranged), welcoming all participants, working with volunteers to plan activities, and ensuring that all the members get a chance to share their culture.

The is responsible for recurring events such as a float during homecoming Parade, The Food Fair, and The Africa sensitization Week, and for clearing these activities with the proper authorities. Other responsibilities include working coordinating volunteers, working with other officers and documentation of the successes and failures of the different projects in other to aid the incumbents.



Section 5. Public Relations/Cultural Director

a. Shall initiate and coordinate at least two (2) major cultural events portraying different African Cultures per academic year.

b. Shall be responsible to obtain funding through fundraising for cultural projects.

c. Shall make sure that the cultures of the different members are shared.



Section 6. The Secretary

a. Shall keep minutes of all regular and officer’s meetings.

b. Shall maintain the Official Rooster

c. Shall keep track of all amendments to the Constitution and the By-Laws

d. Shall be responsible for the scrapbook

e. Shall write and mail correspondence as necessary

f. Shall distribute communication (s) to all members via UNI CampusMail, United States Mail, or a General phone tree

g. Shall recruit volunteers to facilitate the dissemination of information



Section 7. The Treasurer

a. Shall keep the financial records

b. Shall record all deposits

c. Shall record all vouchers

d. Shall reconcile the bank statement monthly

e. Shall be responsible for the budget and shall work with the President and Vice-President to prepare the budget for future funding.

f. Shall work with all other officers to provide funding as needed for UNIAU activities.

g. Shall keep tract of all dues paid and record them in the Official ledger.

h. Shall deposit all dues into the UNIAU Bank account.

i. Shall present financial reports at regular meetings

j. Shall deposit all receipts, sales, or monetary contributions into the bank account.

Dues shall be $2.00 per academic year.



Article 2. Elections


a. Shall be run by an Election Committee composed of the Vice President, the Faculty Adviser, and five (5) non-officer members

b. The Election Committee shall clear voting locations with the appropriate authorities

c. Any Election expense such as ballot printing shall be paid by UNIAU

d. Any member wishing to run for any office must attend a Training session for leaders.

e. In the event that there are more than two (2) officers elected from the same country, the Election Committee and the Faculty Advisor shall select the candidate with the highest number of votes in the following sequence:

1. Treasurer

2. Public Relations

3. Secretary

4. Activities Coordinator

5. Vice President

6. President.

f. Elections shall be held during the day at two (2) specific sites to be announced.

g. Length of office terms would be one (1) academic year.

h. In the occasion that there is a termination of duties, the duties would be shared amongst the rest of the officers.








Section I. Name

The Name of this Organization shall be the UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA AFRICAN UNION (UNIAU or AU).



Section II. Purpose

The purpose of this organization to educate, provide and disseminate information about Africa. It would serve as a network within which African Students can celebrate their home land, share information with other Africans and UNI students and a forum through which discussions can take place with other students and University Professors. It would serve as a support network for UNI African students and also encourage other UNI students to want to know more about the African Continent and eradicate certain stereotypes that people hold concerning Africa.



Section III. Officers

UNIAU shall have 6 elected officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Activities Coordinator, Public Relations/ Cultural Director. No more than two (2) students from the same country shall be officers at the same time. Each officer shall have completed at least three (3) months at UNI before taking office.


Sub 1. The President

a. Shall represent UNIAU as authorized by the members

b. Shall call and conduct the business meetings as detailed in the Constitution and the By-Laws

c. Shall delegate authority by has final responsibility

d. Shall initiate, coordinate and execute UNIAU activities.


Sub 2. The Vice President

a. Shall serve as the president in the absence of the President.

b. Shall assist the President in carrying out Presidential duties, as requested by the President.

c. Shall assist the Activities Coordinator and Public Relations Officers as needed.


Sub 3. The Activities Coordinator

a. Shall carry out duties as specified in the By-Law

Sub 4. Public Relations/Cultural Director

d. Shall initiate and coordinate at least two (2) major cultural events portraying different African Cultures per academic year.

e. Shall be responsible to obtain funding through fundraising for cultural projects.

f. Shall make sure that the cultures of the different members are shared.


Sub 5. The Secretary

a. Shall Keep UNIAU records

b. Shall be responsible for correspondence

c. Shall follow the directives included in the By-Laws


Sub 6. Treasurer

a. Shall be responsible for UNIAU financial records.

b. Shall be responsible for maintaining the dues records and bank account.


Section IV. Membership Requirements

Membership is open to any UNI student who pays the annual dues. Due to University policy, UNIAU will not be made up of more than 10% non-student members.



Section V. Provision for Ratification and Amendment.

a. There must be at least one (1) reading of the constitution at two successive meetings before ratification or Amendment of the Constitution.

b. 100% of the Officers and 80% of the members have to vote on ratifying or Amending the Constitution.

c. At least 80% of the Officers and 75% of the members that voted should be in favor or ratifying or amending the Constitution for these changes to be made.


Section VI. Provision for Financing.

a. Student Activity Fee funding

b. Dues

c. Funding and Support through the Student Activities Office

d. Fundraisers

e. Contributions



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